Symbols and status
Spirituality, dwelling and politics in the Citadel

Toponyms, frescoes, statues, stained glass windows, maps, paintings, façade ornaments - all these serve as cultural symbols that reflect the history, identity and other features of their environment. Following a closer inspection of these symbols’ supporting structures - buildings’ façades, their interiors, public space etc. - we can spot a series of historical events, paradigms and power plays that have been existing in Timișoara throughout time, shaping a vast cultural heritage.
The route starts from one of the city’s most representative public spaces (Unirii Square), continues through Mercy St. and Augustin Pacha St., following the Citadel neighbourhood’s history, as well as different emblematic figures that marked both the quarter and Timișoara’s evolution – commander István Losonczy, count Florimund de Mercy, chief-architect Lásló Székély, Roman Catholic Diocese of Timișoara’s bishops etc. The route also enters key points (the Roman Catholic Dome, Ferencz (Franz) Emmer Palace, the Roman Catholic Bishop’s Palace), offering the tour participants a glimpse of their interious, with new perspectives and details about how the buildings have been functioning.
Symbols and status - these will be the leitmotifs of an insight into the last centuries’ political, religious, cultural and domestic life.
Alexandra Ioana Coman
Claudiu Sergiu Călin
arch. Victor Popovici
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