Overlaps and transitions
Demolitions, relocations, reconstructions

The current route proposes a path that successively passes through the major stages of metamorphosis of the Citadel and the immediate extra-muros area. The tour emphasizes the operations and processes of shaping the city through actions of demolition, relocation, and reconstruction that occurred for various reasons, subject to the demands or ideologies of the time.
Transitioning from the demolition of the Ottoman city to the militarization of the Citadel, from defortification to industrialization, and later to the Europeanization of the city, the tour sought to capture overlays of constructed historical layers. Thus, the route has as its starting point one of the oldest public spaces of the city - Sfântul Gheorghe square, then continuing by exploring the proximities and relationships that arose over time between public and private space, with particular attention paid to the Szana Bank. It will then continue on János Bolyai street, focusing on the church of Saint Catherine, after which the history of the Civic Park will be explored by looking back at the events that led to its appearance. The main stages in which the visited objectives underwent major changes will be highlighted, as well as the historical context in which they occurred.
By evoking the strategies that shaped the city as we know it today, this tour draws attention to a proper appreciation of the past, not least bringing into focus the importance of choosing carefully how one considers the various layers of history.
arch. Daniel Tellman
Sister Tereza Cernic
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